1. Kempten University of Applied Sciences
  2. BZPD – Bavarian Center for Digital Health and Social Care
  3. Projects
  4. Pflegebegutachtungsdaten

Analysis of data from long-term care assessments by the Bavarian Medical Service

As part of this project, the Bavarian Research Center for Digital Care is examining the potential for scientifically analysing the data from care assessments.

Anonymised data collected by the Bavarian Medical Service from more than 126,000 adults during the course of initial assessments is being quantitatively evaluated.

The Medical Service is responsible for patients covered by statutory health insurance and carries out long-term care assessments on the basis of “SGB XI” (social care insurance) legislation, considering six areas of life and recording data using a standardised instrument: mobility, cognitive and communicative abilities, behaviour and psychological problems, self-care, dealing with requirements stemming from illness or relating to treatment, and how everyday life and social contacts are structured. If a person is officially deemed in need of care, the level of care required is calculated on the basis of the assessed areas of life, ranging from 1 (= slight impairment of independence) to 5 (= severe impairment of independence/abilities with special requirements for care provision) (cf. MDS & GKV, 2021).

In addition, information is collected that offers extensive potential for social science and interdisciplinary research: age, gender, living conditions, ICD‑10 diagnoses, information on mobility outside the home, ability to manage the household, and the presence of supportive persons (e.g. caregiving relatives).
Detailed empirical findings about elderly people requiring care and regional disparities help to fill data gaps. Using clustering methods, we identify the kinds of characteristics and constellations that frequently arise in terms of limitations or independence in the different areas of life.


Medizinischer Dienst des Spitzenverbandes Bund der Krankenkassen e.V. (MDS) & GKV-Spitzenverband (2021): Richtlinien des GKV-Spitzenverbandes zur Feststellung der Pflegebedürftigkeit nach dem XI. Buch des Sozialgesetzbuches, Essen/Berlin. Online at https://www.medizinischerdienst.de/fileadmin/MD-zentraler-Ordner/Downloads/01_Pflegebegutachtung/BRi_Pflege_210930_barrierefrei.pdf


Pflegebedürftigkeit im Alter: Forschungspotential der Pflegebegutachtungsdaten, article in Fachzeitschrift für Statistik “Bayern in Zahlen”, edition 08 | 2022, pp. 62-63.
