
  1. Hochschule Kempten

Jonathan Zender


Forschungszentrum Allgäu / Wissenschaftliche/-r Mitarbeiter/-in /


Since 2020 I'm a scientific assistant at the 3Dvisionlab at Kempten University of Applied Sciences. In my first project, I have developed and calibrated a Laser Line Sensor to measure Surfaces on High-speed Rotating Elements. In my Master thesis and my current work, I use Physically Based Rendering to render images in order to train deep neuronal networks. As example I used Cast Codes, which were developed at the 3Dvisionlab.


Research interests

With the use of Physically Based Rendering (PBR), I try to ease the training of neural networks on synthetic data so that they classify correctly on images from the real system. The goal is to enable an optical inspection system prior to the start of the production. A second use case is to lower the expense for companies to use AI based inspection systems, since the data acquisition process and labeling process is all synthetic. PBR is used, because all render parameters can be measured, so its portable to other use cases.
