1. Kempten University of Applied Sciences
  2. BZPD – Bavarian Center for Digital Health and Social Care
  3. Departments
  4. Provision & participation

Department 3 – Care & Participation

The “Care and Participation” department looks at the requirements and potential of digitalisation in domestic support and nursing care from a population and system-related perspective.

The focus is on health promotion in old age, preventing the need for care, processes in ambulatory care, and promoting resources and resilience for relatives providing care and professional carers using digital support.

Taking into account the respective socio-spatial structures and processes (e.g. within neighbourhoods, care communities, care and health-related and social institutions), we examine the success factors for socio-technical innovations in the context of domestic care for older people.

This includes digital support for the creation of a socio-spatial ecosystem, which is also dependent on the coordinated cooperation of professional agents in order to help relieve the burden on the domestic care environment.

The department is examining socially relevant change processes caused by digitalisation from a holistic perspective, simultaneously actively shaping the corresponding processes.

To this end, it conceptualises, supports and evaluates the establishment and (participatory) development or adaptation of socio-technical innovations and their integration into local structures in the context of ageing and care where digital instruments can contribute to information, communication, networking and care management.

Portrait: Dr Florian Fischer

“Digital applications in the health and social care sector are often confronted with a lack of theoretical foundation and evidence base as well as insufficient consideration of their social impact.”

- Dr Florian Fischer (Head of Department 3 – “Care & Participation”)