1. Kempten University of Applied Sciences
  2. BZPD – Bavarian Center for Digital Health and Social Care
  3. Projects
  4. GABA – Negotiation processes when handing over care

GABA – Negotiation processes when handing over care

GABA – Siblings caring for relatives: The need for advice and negotiation processes when assuming care of their parents.
An empirical study on “Doing Family”

Duration: 2023 – 2026


The majority of people in need of care in Germany are cared for at home by relatives, mostly by spouses or adult (in-law) children. Despite sons becoming increasingly involved in care, it is still predominantly women across all age groups who provide care for relatives. (Ehrlich and Kelle 2019; Hielscher et al. 2017; Auth and Dierkes 2015)

Assuming caring responsibilities can continue for years and be associated with physical, psychological and financial burdens. (Hielscher et al. 2017; Klie 2022) While numerous empirical studies have focused on the motives for taking on caring responsibilities, little is known about how the process unfolds and how negotiations between family members in general and between siblings, in particular, take place.

This research project addresses this desideratum and investigates how adult siblings negotiate and reason amongst themselves who will take on caring for their parents at home and which of the children feels responsible when their parents increasingly need support. It looks at which topics and reasons are perceived as important within the negotiations and how this process is organised.

This involves conducting narrative-biographical interviews with family carers who support their parents and have siblings. The interviews are analysed using the documentary method. (Schütze 1983; Nohl 2005; Bohnsack et al. 2013)

If caregiving is understood as a developmental task for families that needs to be successfully managed (Gröning et al. 2015; Lebeda 2020), counselling relatives is of central importance in this process. A second strand of research will therefore investigate the extent to which these negotiations and the division of care between siblings are addressed in formal and informal counselling contexts and what potential and needs educational professionals from different disciplines perceive in this regard. For this purpose, expert interviews with professionals who advise family carers are being conducted and evaluated using content analysis (Kuckartz 2018; Lamnek 2016).

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Auth, Diana; Dierkes, Mirjam (2015): Söhne in der Angehörigenpflege – Charakteristika, Ressourcen und Unterstützungsbedarfe im betrieblichen Kontext. In: Uta Meier-Gräwe (ed.): Die Arbeit des Alltags. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, pp. 201–224.

Bohnsack, Ralf; Nentwig-Gesemann, Iris; Nohl, Arnd-Michael (ed.) (2013): Die dokumentarische Methode und ihre Forschungspraxis. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Ehrlich, Ulrike; Kelle, Nadiya (2019): Pflegende Angehörige in Deutschland: Wer pflegt, wo, für wen und wie? In: Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 65 (2), pp. 175–203.

Gröning, Katharina; Sander, Brunhild; Kamen, Ruth von (ed.) (2015): Familiensensibles Entlassungsmanagement. Was Krankenhäuser für die Sicherstellung der häuslichen Pflege tun können. Festschrift zu zehn Jahren Modellprogramm ‘Familiale Pflege unter den Bedingungen der DRG’. 1st edition. s.l.: Mabuse-Verlag.

Hielscher, Volker; Kirchen-Peters, Sabine; Nock, Lukas (2017): Pflege in den eigenen vier Wänden. Zeitaufwand und Kosten: Pflegebedürftige und ihre Angehörigen geben Auskunft. Unter Mitarbeit von Max Ischebeck. published by the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Düsseldorf (Study, 363).

Klie, Thomas (2022): Das Rückgrat der Langzeitpflege ist die häusliche Pflege. Befunde, Analysen und Handlungsbedarf. Der DAK-Pflegereport 2022 – Zusammenfassung. In: Andreas Strom (ed.): Pflegereport. Häusliche Pflege - das Rückgrat der Pflege in Deutschland Analysen, Befunde, Perspektiven (Beiträge zur Gesundheitsökonomie und Versorgungsforschung, 41), pp. 1–30.

Kuckartz, Udo (2018): Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Methoden, Praxis, Computerunterstützung. 4th edition. Weinheim, Basel: Beltz Juventa (Grundlagentexte Methoden).

Lamnek, Siegfried (2016): Qualitative Sozialforschung. Mit Online-Materialien. 6th edition. Weinheim: Beltz.

Lebeda, Dorothee (2020): Beratung bei Pflegebedürftigkeit. Perspektiven für die klinische Sozialarbeit und Pflegeberatung im gesellschaftlichen Modernisierungsprozess. Dissertation. Published by Bielefeld University.

Nohl, Arnd-Michael (2005): Dokumentarische Interpretation narrativer Interviews. Bildungsforschung 2 (2005) 2, 19 p. In: Bildungsforschung 2.

Schütze, Fritz (1983): Biographieforschung und narratives Interview. In: Neue Praxis 13 (3), 283–293.
